Monday, January 26, 2015

Best Cookies Ever- Avocado Cocoa Cookies!

I have been at it again. Searching the internet like crazy looking for an awesome new dessert recipe.

Lucky me, and LUCKY YOU, that I found the absolute best cookie recipe ever. I can honestly say I have never tasted a better cookie (coming from the girl with completely different taste buds!)

So here are the deets!


1 Avocado
1/2 cup coconut sugar
1 Egg
1/2 cup dark cocoa powder (I used special dark by Hershey's)
50g dark chocolate chunks (who even measures this? JK JK)
1/2 tsp. baking soda

How to:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a bowl, mix together (with hand mixer or food processor) the avocado and coconut sugar until smooth. 

Add in the egg. 

Mix in the cocoa powder and baking soda

Then stir in the chocolate chunks

Spray a little olive oil down. Using two spoons, place dollops of cookie on a baking sheet with parchment paper. The cookie doesn't spread all that much so flatten it a bit with a fork. 

Bake for 8-10 minutes or until the cookie batter doesn't stick to a knife. 

Let them cool (but enjoy the first one when its still warm!)


1. I think this is a recipe that even non-fitness/nutrition freaks would love, but if you have picky ones, add in a SMALL amount of Reese's chips or heath to give it an extra zing of sugar. But again, these are THAT good, that they don't need the added sugars.
2. Get creative! To one of mine, I added in a middle layer of the yogurt/sunflower butter/mashed banana cream I used to make banana sandwiches and it was delicious (would be even better with peanut butter instead of sunflower butter.. but still!) Mix it up and try your own

Best part, other than it being the best cookie ever created, it fits into Macros (and I am in the SHRED phase!) 

These beauties were originally found on @Josefinetm via instagram :)

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Oh Goodness Me! Good-For-You Flour-less Double Chocolate Chip Muffins

I have been spending countless hours on the internet since changing my lifestyle into a more healthy one. Such great information out there and I am wanting to start sharing a little bit and consolidate the things that I love the most!

So here is the first! I picked up some super delicious looking recipes for desserts for two reasons

1. I really want to start baking with Cora. She loves to mix and pour foods right now and so its fun to do, but I want the outcome to be something healthy for us.
2. I want some sweets, dang it!

I found myself in the health food section of the store getting all the items that I didn't already have and headed home in excitement!

Thinking it would take a lot more time than it actually did, I got right to making these little muffins. They were ready before I knew it.

So here are the Deets!


1/2 cup Almond Butter
1 Ripe Banana
1 Egg
1/4 cup Honey
1/4 Cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 tbsp. ground Flaxseed
1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
1/4 cup Chocolate Chips

How to:

Put everything in a bowl except the chocolate chips. blend it with whatever mixer you have. (I have a cheapy hand mixer) Make it pretty creamy. It will look a tad griddy but mostly like a brownie batter consistency.

Then add in those delicious chocolate chips and mix them in the batter.

Spray some olive oil cooking spay on the muffin pan and dole out the batter into 10 of the muffin forms.

Put it in the oven and cook for about 12 minutes. (I forgot to set the timer or look at the clock so I just did the simple "stick a knife in them and take them out when no batter sticks" test. (Totally worked! Score!)

Voila! They are delicious

My Recommendations:

1. I would use half almond butter and half something else (maybe even peanut butter?) or add in some PB2. Im not a huge fan of almond butter.
2. Make sure that when the recipe calls for a "ripe" banana that you actually follow that rule. The sweetness comes from the banana so the riper it is the sweeter it will be.
3. There is a difference between just Flaxseed and ground Flaxseed (I found out the "hard" way.. but they are still delicious!)
4. If you are wanting to make a healthy dessert like this, but sharing with the office or friends and they aren't super health freaks, then add in a little crushed heath bar or Reese's chips (just a little!) to really sweeten the deal ;)

Because I track my macros:

Try and view the recipe here so you can track your macros too! Recipe breakdown on

Recipe from: @RunningwithScissors